Saturday, October 10, 2009

Quiet tenacity

This Sunday, we did a tagging exercise where we first tagged ourselves by answering questions and then went around the room anonymously tagging each other. This was a very powerful and fun exercise.

My Tags
Three phrases to introduce myself (I tend to hold my cards close so introduction tend to be pretty surface level for me):
  • I live in Olympia
  • I'm a sustainable MBA candidate
  • I work in the sustainability program at Fort Lewis
Three things I'm most passionate about:
  • My family
  • Sustainability
  • Justice and Equity (I'm one of those whose always saying "That's not fair!")
Three unique things about myself:
  • I hug trees for the Army
  • I used to be a missionary
  • I'm a birth mother in an open adoption
Other people's tags
  • fresh
  • listener
  • dedication
  • authentic
  • quiet tenacity
  • beautiful soul
  • neat financials (I'm guessing that came from an accounting teammate!)
  • sweet
  • real
  • love
My final tags
  • Quiet tenacity
  • Patient listener
  • Authentic dedication
I was moved by these tags and really felt that the people who "tagged" me really knew me. I greatly appreciated the beautiful things that were said about me. I have to say though, "quiet tenacity" was my favorite. Way to peg me!

At first I was a little hesitant about finding my personal brand, it sounded almost shallow. I've come realize that it's completely the opposite. Your personal brand has to be your authentic self or people won't buy into it. Finding your personal brand is just another way of delving deeper into who I am. I am excited about all of the ways I am able to explore who I am this quarter


  1. Miriam,
    I am with you in moving from concerns about shallowness to excitement at discovering a deeper layer of authenticity in the branding conversation. I appreciate your eloquent descripton of your process.

  2. Miriam,
    You exemplify quiet tenacity and it is with deep sincere appreciation that I have had the pleasure to talk with you about things that matter deep into the night. You are such a shining example of compassion in action. Cool, calm, and collected quietly changing the world by keeping a solid unwavering grasp on your values and vision for the world. During the branding exercise I looked at you, squinted my eyes and wrote "quiet tenacity". Ding, ding, ding, I am the winner!!! At least I think I am...

  3. I had a feeling that was you, Mauri, and it made me feel very special that you got me so well. Your words make me feel loved and inspired to work even harder towards my goals. Thank you for your beautiful words.

  4. Miriam,
    Shallow...? - you are so NOT! I really enjoyed our conversation at the Intenive.
    I applaud and deeply respect your passion for changing the world - one uniform at a time. There are so very many interesting government-published approved sustainability papers and projects on the web that seem to be just sort of well...buried. I dig for and read a lot of military "sustainable materials" information that is amazing, but you just have to hunt around for it.
    I have total faith that you will be able to create fascinating, educational, and informative posts with information that is personally compelling for you while also being trouble-free for you career-wise!
    Looking forward to seeing more...
