Sunday, September 27, 2009

What I Learned This Week

I am completely new to the wonders of Delicious. It's a whole new world to me and I'm loving it. It is such a convenient way to organize all of the information I have found on the vast internet and I know I've only scratched the surface.

A few words I learned:

Disintermediation- "Cutting out the middle man". The internet has made products more accessible to consumers and has reduced the need for retail stores. This also creates more transparency in the market since the consumer can buy straight from the manufacturer and is aware of the manufacturer's price.

Folksonomy- When a community collaborates to categorize or "tag" information. This term arose in 2004 when social bookmarking was becoming popular.

I have also been pondering a question as I have been exploring this week: With all of the information out there will companies and government be forced to be transparent? Is there anywhere left for them to hide?

1 comment:

  1. I think the challenge to transparency will eventually not be secrecy, but too much information to be able to effectively filter through.

    -- Christopher Allen
